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In the early 1980’s, Hawea plant enthusiast Maryed Urquhart purchased a rare white T.grandiflorum plena (aka white bunting) for a grand total of $35. Her son Jamie, who was in his mid 20’s at the time, decided to divide the rhizome and start the long journey of cultivating a collection of these rare gems.

With an understanding that this fragile rhizome would not regenerate where damaged, Jamie painstakingly divided his mothers plant into five, and patiently waited another half a decade before repeating the process.

45 years later, and with a lot of dirt collected under his nails, each Spring Jamie proudly looks over a small ocean of pure white blooms. This may quite possibly be one of the world's largest stocks of the T.grandiflorum 'flore plena'.


 With the help of his daughter-in-law Anna, Jamie ships stock to customers during the dormant season from April to September.
Bare-rooted rhizomes are packaged in a bed of sphagnum moss and  posted to customers, ready to plant or pot up.


The State flower of Ontario and also found in New York State, the white bunting was discovered in the 1920’s. This slow-growing, rare species does not regenerate where damaged, so when deer nibble and tread on it in its natural habitat, stock slowly dwindles.

As flowers mature they take on a pink tinge before wilting away for their dormant winters.

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